Saturday 10 September 2016

Charles Krafft Exhibition

The artist Charles Krafft should need no introduction to people on the Alt Right. His infamy in the art world is such since his "outing" by The New Yorker, The Guardian and other leftist publications that his exhibits in museums and art galleries now come with public health warnings. He is currently exhibiting in Texas and we wish him well and ask that others support him and invest in his work. Here he explains in his own words:

"CONJUGAL VISIT" is the name of a body of work with a prison theme that I prepared last year (2015) for an exhibition in the East End of London. My idea was to commemorate some of the more notorious American and British penitentiaries and their famous inmates on china. Due to juvenile social media shaming at the Not Banksy forum and a spate of obscene phone calls made to the gallery the show was cancelled before it opened and the work never got seen there. Texas is the crown jewel in America's burgeoning prison industrial complex so I can think of no better place than Houston to premiere this work plus a selection newer and seldom seen pieces from my ongoing Porcelain War Museum and Disasterware™ series. Let's hope the Iron Curtain of social justice sanctimony in the visual arts doesn't drop again.

Luckily, his trip to London was not entirely wasted and I had the pleasure of welcoming him to the London Forum. Here is his speech:


  1. Everyone in who came to the Texas opening agreed that Stolen Space in London passed up a terrific opportunity to create a publicity bonanza for themselves by capitulating to the trolls who caused them to cancel my exhibition and jettison me from the gallery. Not everyone who shows "street art" is as stodgey.

    1. Fantastic, Charles. I'm glad everything went well.
